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From: Daryle Walker (darylew_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-01-19 04:12:59

[Sorry that this is severely (too) late]

On 1/5/04 6:19 AM, "David Abrahams" <dave_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> is reporting that the config tests for gcc-3.4 (CVS) all pass. Can we
> update boost/config/compiler/gcc accordingly? gcc-3.4 will surely be
> released shortly after boost 1.31.0, and it would be nasty to flood
> its users with warnings.

So GCC 3.4 is still a beta? I don't think that changes for it should be
added until it's final. For all we know, the final version of GCC 3.4 could
have notable differences than the beta. So adjusting for the beta would
could lead to TWO adjustments overall, and the users still get warnings.

We have that "don't make final judgments based on the beta" rule for a
reason. (Were you one of the guys who proposed it?) Resist the urge to
make beta-instigated changes, even if it "seems" minor and

Daryle Walker
Mac, Internet, and Video Game Junkie
darylew AT hotmail DOT com

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