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From: grafik.list_at_[hidden]
Date: 2004-01-22 06:25:07

--- Jeremy Siek wrote:
> So there's this darwin-tools.jam file. I was under the impression that
> in our
> jam lingo, a "tool" was a compiler (not an OS). It seems that the stuff
> in
> darwin-tools.jam really belongs in gcc-tools.jam.

Ahh, yes to #1, no to #2.

The darwin-tools.jam targets the Apple modified GCC that they distribute by
various names, currently XTools. That variant has additional options and
different functionality.

It is possible to use a bare GCC in MacOSX for which you would use the
regular gcc-tools. But because the XTools compiler is only a GCC variant it's
also possible to use the darwin-tools with a bare GCC.


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