Boost : |
From: Daniel Wallin (dalwan01_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-01-23 11:10:28
Jonathan Turkanis wrote:
> "Daniel Wallin" <dalwan01_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> news:40106597.3090906_at_student.umu.se...
>>Jonathan Turkanis wrote:
>>Am I missing something?
> No, I was. Thanks.
> Here are some test cases. The ones marked error are cases I believe
> should not compile.
> struct Base { virtual ~Base() { } };
> struct Derived : Base { };
> inline move_ptr<Derived> source() { return move_ptr<Derived>(new
> Derived); }
> inline void sink(move_ptr<Base>) { }
> inline void const_sink(const move_ptr<Base> p)
> {
> /*[1]*/ move_ptr<Base> p2 = p; // ???
> }
> int main()
> {
> /*[2]*/ sink(source());
> /*[3]*/ sink(move_ptr<Derived>());
> /*[4]*/ sink(move_ptr<Base>());
> /*[5]*/ const_sink(source());
> /*[6]*/ const_sink(move_ptr<Derived>());
> /*[7]*/ move_ptr<Derived> p1(new Derived);
> /*[8]*/ move_ptr<Base> p2(new Derived);
> /*[9]*/ move_ptr<Derived> p3 = source();
> /*[10]*/ move_ptr<Base> p4 = source();
> /*[11]*/ move_ptr<Derived> p5(move_ptr<Derived>(new Derived));
> /*[12]*/ move_ptr<Base> p6(move_ptr<Derived>(new Derived));
> /*[13]*/ const move_ptr<Derived> p7(new Derived);
> /*[14]*/ move_ptr<Thing> p7(p3); // error
> /*[15]*/ move_ptr<Thing> p8(p3); // error
> }
> Results from several compilers:
> VC7.1 Rejects: 1, 14, 15
> GCC 3.2 Rejects: 1, 14, 15
> Codewarrior 8.0 Rejects: 14, 15
> Como 4.3.3 online Rejects: 1, 14, 15
> Como 4.3.3 jdt Rejects: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15
> Intel 7.1 Windows Rejects: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15
> As you can see, VC7.1, GCC 3.2 Codewarrior 8.0 and the latest como
> almost agree. My como 4.3.3 from October and Intel reject a lot of
> valid cases.
> VC7.1, GCC 3.2 and como 4.3.3 reject 1, while Codewarrior accepts it.
> I think it should fail to compile. Correct? It seems to be the only
> case where the cant_move_from_const makes any difference.
> What is your view?
#1 should definitely fail. Como Online, GCC and VC7.1 gets everything
right. I don't have access to Intel7.1, so I can't say anything about
why it's failing. But my guess would be that it wouldn't be _that_ hard
to get it working, given that it's a very conforming compiler.
-- Daniel Wallin
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