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From: Sean Kelly (sean_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-01-24 16:05:03

The condition object is needlessly complex for instances where a thread
must wait on a signal but isn't immediately concerned with shared data.
Basically, I'd like a simplified version of condition that supports wait
and timed_wait without the predicate and without the need to pass a mutex.
It might be used like this:

mutex sync;
queue<T> mq;
event ev;

void add_message( T const& msg ) {
   lock l( sync );
    mq.add( msg );

void process_msgs() {
    // synchronized access to mq
    // acts on messages

void loop() {
    for(;;) {

On the Windows side the event object could purely use the CreateEvent and
WaitForSingleObject calls. On the pthread side it could use a
internal mutex, boolean to indicate whether the event has been signalled,
and the cond_wait process from the condition object. Ideally, there
should be a way to specify on construction whether the event will
auto-reset or if it needs to be reset manually (as in the above example).

I've personally found that I use the above processing method far more than
what the condition object requires, and it would be nice to be able to
avoid any more synchronization code than necessary. Comments?


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