Boost : |
From: Darryl Green (Darryl.Green_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-01-29 05:49:45
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeremy Maitin-Shepard [mailto:jbms_at_[hidden]]
> Sent: Thursday, 29 January 2004 7:03 PM
> To: boost_at_[hidden]
> Subject: Re: [boost] Re: Re: Boost.Thread : IO multiplexing
> "Hurd, Matthew" <hurdm_at_[hidden]> writes:
> >> On Behalf Of Sean Kelly
> >>
> >> What remains an issue in my mind is how far to take this.
> Socket and
> >> file classes for each platform at least... what else?
> > Waitable timers would be the other "main" one I'd guess.
> Unfortunately, I do not believe that it is possible to wait on both a
> timer and a file descriptor on POSIX platforms, so this is the same
> situation as mutexes (see below).
It is easy enough to do this - for example see ACE's Reactor Notify for
details. If you care about other threads you need the notify interface
to force a wake-up when a new timeout needs to be calculated, otherwise
just calculating the timeout parameter from the head of the timer queue
before blocking is enough.
> > Some process abstractions might be straight forward for
> "kill" signals
> > and the windows equivalent.
> Signal handling abstraction is probably best done by a separate
> library. Signals are useful for dealing with asynchronous
> i/o on POSIX
> platforms, but I would recommend that non-blocking, but not
> asynchronous I/O be used by the library on those platforms.
> > I would still like to see mutexes, timers, socket i/o and
> file i/o all
> > with similar acquisition concepts so there is a hope of
> marrying them
> > down the track if it is not done up front.
> I believe it has been concluded that there is pretty much no
> way at all
> of efficiently waiting on both a mutex and a file descriptor on most
> POSIX platforms, including Linux and BSD. Furthermore, it is also
> inefficient on Windows, since it requires use of
> WaitForMultipleObjects, which doesn't scale well. I would not
> recommend that an i/o multiplexing attempt to handle mutexes and
> timers.
I don't see why the library shouldn't be generic enough to allow a
unification on a platform that supports it. It may not be all that
mythical - I'm sure there was some discussion and patches on lkml some
time back suggesting that it is possible to extend epoll to work with
futexes. On the opposite side of the coin, Linux 2.6 has extended aio in
the kernel that should make aio a pretty reasonable option for that
platform and at least tries to address most of the negatives mentioned
re using aio on Posix platforms. Haven't tried to actually use it yet
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