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From: Douglas Paul Gregor (gregod_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-05-05 12:07:46

On Wed, 5 May 2004, Eric Niebler wrote:
> Douglas Gregor wrote:
> >>projects, but the lack of thread-safety is a concern for us. What
> >>issues are preventing Boost.Signals from being made threadsafe?
> >
> >
> > The biggest issue is granularity. Do we use signal-level locking or
> > connection/slot-level locking? The former requires few locks, but constrains
> > the coding style quite a bit, whereas the latter is going to incur a bit of
> > overhead (a lock for every slot call, disconnect, etc.).
> I was thinking there would be one lock object per signal object.

This is the most intuitive way, and probably the right way.

> I'm not
> sure I understand the other option you mention. Could you explain a bit?

Sure. I'm a bit concerned about the trackable issue, because deletion of a
trackable object can mean that lots of connections (from many different
signals) can be disconnected at once. So we could have the scenario where:

Signal A has connections to slots a and b, both of which reference
trackable object o.

Signal B has connections to slots c and d, both of which reference
trackable object o.

We could be executing in Signal A and in Signal B simultaneously; then,
slot c or d deletes object o (causing slots a, b, c, d to be
disconnected). It's okay in Signal A--Signals was design for this--but can
we be sure that Signal B won't fail?

I think we can't, but we might be able to get close if we had locks in
each "connection" object, and locked all connections involved with a slot
before calling it. This is massive overhead, though, so I think I should
just drop the notion.

> Regardless, locking behavior should be made a policy. That way, users
> who are not interested in paying for thread-safety are accomodated.

Agreed. I was actually just about to prototype a threading policy for
Function, as a warm-up for Signals.

> I've been giving this issue some thought, and I think I can see a way to
> make this thread-safe. Here's how:
> 1) signal::operator() grabs the lock
> 2) signal::operator() passes the slot iterators to combiner::operator()
> 3) slot_iterator::operator* does the following:
> i) copies the slot into a local

Might not actually need this step, because the slot itself cannot be
deleted at this point.

> ii) releases the lock
> iii) calls the slot through the local
> iv) reaquires the lock.

Ah, clever! Good for asynchronous slot invocation as well, if we ever care
about that.

> 4) slot_iterator::operator++ skips any nulled-out slots (note that it
> always executes when the lock is held)

... and this part is already implemented.

> 5) combiner::operator() returns and signal::operator() releases the
> lock.
> Now, you must be careful in signal::connect() and signal::disconnect()
> to do nothing that would invalidate the slot iterators. Suppose they
> were std::list::iterators, and that signal::disconnect() merely nulled
> out slots instead of removing them from the list. Then this would work.
> But it needs to be documented that slot_iterators are only valid for
> the duration of combiner::operator(). (That is, you can't copy them into
> a global and use them after the lock has been released.)

The good news is that all of this special work to avoid invalidating slot
iterators has already been done to deal with the recursive deletion case.
I think it is documented that slot_call_iterators are only valid within
the combiner, but I could have omitted that.

> What do you think?

Sounds very, very promising.


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