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From: Fredrik Blomqvist (fredrik_blomqvist_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-05-08 11:48:29


The switch-case in class archive_exception lacks a 'break' after the 'stream
error' case
which leads to incorrect what() message.
I also note that the error code "invalid_class_name" doesn't have a message

Furthermore I'm confused about this (which was the reason I found the other
bug) :
(VC7.1 + Dinkumware)

int main()
        // save
        std::ofstream ofs("serializer_test.txt");
        boost::archive::text_oarchive oa(ofs);

        oa << 'x';
    // ofs.close(); // uncommenting this throws "stream_error" (altough
currently with wrong what() message)
        oa << 'y';

        // load
        std::ifstream ifs("serializer_test.txt", std::ios::binary);
        boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(ifs);

        char x, y;
        ia >> x;
    // ifs.close(); // uncommenting this _doesn't_ throw?
        ia >> y;

        assert(x == 'x' && y == 'y');
    catch(std::exception const& e)
        std::cout << e.what();

    return 0;

Shouldn't reading throw also? The archives check is/os.good() to throw.
Or is this a bug in my std.lib (or my understanding of it? ;)

// Fredrik Blomqvist

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