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From: Christoph Ludwig (cludwig_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-05-12 09:18:05

On Wed, May 12, 2004 at 01:05:11PM +0100, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
> Looking at the GCC sources under gcc/config/ it appears that some
> platforms (e.g. Solaris2, NetBSD, Linux on certain architectures) define
> _PTHREADS when -pthread is used. x86-linux is not one of those platforms,
> nor is FreeBSD. It might be possible to get that macro, or something else,
> defined on all platforms when -pthread is given so Boost could check for
> that.
> Cristoph, did you ever ask about this issue on the "gcc" list, or just
> "gcc-help" ?

I did only ask on gcc-help.

But I'll probably file a bug report today or tomorrow; even if the gcc
developers don't agree that the definition of _REENTRANT in single
threaded mode is a regression, there's at least a documentation bug:
The -pthread option isn't documented at all for x86-Linux. It's
therefore hard to tell which preprocessor definitions are correct and
what behaviour you can count on (e.g., with respect to the
initialization of local static variables).




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