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From: DY, JERRY U (SBCSI) (jd2419_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-05-12 13:19:27

In trying to compile the filesystem library, I'm getting an error that
the compiler cannot find the operator== for the following function:

 bool is_empty_directory( const fs::path & dir_path )
    return fs::directory_iterator(dir_path) == end_itr;

Error 226:
line 176 # No appropriate function found for call of 'operator =='.

class directory_iterator doesn't declare it, neither do ancestors
iterator_facade and iterator_facade_types. Can't find free function for
operator==(directory_iterator&, directory_iterator&),
operator==(iterator_facade&, iterator_facade&),
operator==(iterator_facade_types&, iterator_facade_types&) or any of its
variants. Is it using the default compiler-generated operator== in

Can somebody who is familiar with the filesystem library code assist me
so I can generate a test case for the HP aC++ team? Thanks!


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