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From: Jody Hagins (jody-boost-011304_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-05-13 14:00:34

On Thu, 13 May 2004 13:17:29 -0400
Joel Young <jdy_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> I believe there is a numeric error in big_integer. I am working
> to isolate it to a single operation.

What operations are you doing on the numbers?

I read earlier that Richard reimplemented the division algorithm based
on Knuth's algoithm. However, the division algorithm in TAOCP Vol 2,
sec 4.3.1 has at least one bug (and I have a $2.56 check ;-). So, if it
is anything to do with division, I guess Richard should look at which
printing he used to get the algorithm, and also look at the errata
( to make sure he
has a correct definition of the algorithm, and a correct implementation.

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