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From: Max Khesin (MKhesin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-05-14 13:51:28

This is funny in the light of Robert R.'s remark that you boostified his
version. Anyway it seems like a high priority that the more experienced
boost guys should get a basic version of this pushed through before we get
20 slightly different versions sneaking in via the libraries being
incorporated into boost. Consensus may be more important than perfection at
this stage.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pavel Vozenilek [mailto:pavel_vozenilek_at_[hidden]]
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 2:02 PM
To: boost_at_[hidden]
Subject: [boost] Re: Latest ScopeGuard

"Max Khesin" <MKhesin_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> I recall there have been sevral attempts at a boostified version of Andrei
> A. ScopeGuard. I want to start using this functionality and was wondering
> a) if there is any consensus about best/most boost-consistent
> b) if there is there is a version in the library approval pipeline (or
> definite plans for including this functionality in boost)
> thanks,
Multi index container library includes ScopeGuard (almost verbatim
from Andrei) until some boost-wide solution appears.


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