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From: Michael Glassford (glassfordm_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-05-15 12:49:49
Alexander Terekhov wrote:
> Michael Glassford wrote:
>>I've just checked in changes to Win32 implementations of the mutex and
>>recursive_mutex classes. They now use a Win32 critical section instead
> MS critical section (current implementation) doesn't perform well
> if there is contention.
So I've heard.
> They handoff ownership. You can build more
> efficient mutex (with all three lock/trylock/timedlock operations)
> using atomic swap/xchg and auto-reset event.
I hope to look into this at some point, but for now have higher-priority
items on my Boost.Threads task list.
Do you have a full-fledged implementation for such a beast? I remember
you posting sample code some time back, but don't remember how complete
it was.
> It will work on 386
> (no CAS required)... but I just can't stop scratching my head over
> mysterious lack of xchg.rel on Itanic (they only have xchg.acq).
> regards,
> alexander.
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