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From: Nicola Musatti (Nicola.Musatti_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-05-18 02:21:02

Douglas Gregor wrote:
> Hello Borland users/developers,
> I am unable to get the new Signals implementation to play nicely with Borland
> and have given up. It seems to want to instantiate classes that should not be
> instantiated, causing a whole mess of problems I haven't solved. Help would
> be appreciated; otherwise we might need to drop Borland support to move the
> library forward :(

This is bad news indeed! The one problem I found is probably related to
a Borland bug which, if I remember correctly, causes a class's
destructor to be instantiated where it shouldn't. The net result is that
  scoped_ptr (and auto_ptr) cannot be used to implement the pimpl idiom.
I managed to build the signals libraries by replacing shared_ptr for
scoped_ptr in named_slot_map.hpp, but I didn't have time to run any
test. I have no idea whether this may be an acceptable fix or if there's
any other outstanding problem.

Hope this helps, anyway.

Nicola Musatti

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