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From: Jonathan Wakely (cow_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-05-19 11:14:44

On Wed, May 19, 2004 at 11:55:17AM -0400, Rozental, Gennadiy wrote:

> Does it incorrect from standard standpoint:
> class A {
> int member;
> };
> class B : A {
> public:
> using A::member;
> };

No, this is not allowed, because B can't access the private A::member
so it can't adjust the access of it to public.

If A::member was protected, then B would be allowed to adjust access
to it.


"Alcohol kills more people than Heroin, crack, acid and Cannabis put
 together. So you'd think that all those drugs together would be legal."
	- redi

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