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From: Rob Stewart (stewart_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-05-27 11:39:40

From: Martin <adrianm_at_[hidden]>
> How do I update the length after using buffer() ?
> Only way I see is:
> FuncThatFillString(str.buffer(), str.capacity());
> str.resize(strlen(str.c_str())); // c_str to avoid fixed_string overload

That was the reason for a previous suggestion for ReleaseBuffer()
(IIRC). It was a way for the client to have write access to the
buffer and then tell the object it had control again. At that
point, the object could recompute the length. I think MFC's
CString has an overload of ReleaseBuffer() that permits the
client to state the length resulting from its modifications of
the buffer. (fixed_string would only need to constrain that
length so as not to exceed the capacity() and this could be
supported, too.)

If the computed (or supplied) length exceeds the capacity, then
fixed_string should throw an exception because that suggests the
buffer was overrun.

I previously suggested (or did I just think of it, but not mail
it?) a proxy class for write access to the buffer. The proxy
would be accessible via a buffer() mf, say, and would provide
managed access to the buffer in the fixed_string from whence it
came. The proxy can provide conversion operators to char * and
char const *, and its dtor can recompute the length -- if not set
by the client -- before returning control to the fixed_string.
That would automate length verification, but you really don't
want the proxy's dtor to throw an exception. (The only way
around that, that I can think of, is to set a flag in
fixed_string such that the next operation -- other than
destruction -- performed on it would result in throwing an
exception. That's unsatisfying for many reasons.)

So, I'm thinking you'd do something like this:

   size_t character_count(FuncThatFillString(
      str.release_buffer(), str.capacity()));
   str.reclaim_buffer(); // invokes strlen() for you
   // or:
   str.reclaim_buffer(character_count); // you provide new length

I chose the "release_buffer" and "reclaim_buffer" names to be a
little more explicit. Either way, you'd need reciprocal terms.

Rob Stewart                           stewart_at_[hidden]
Software Engineer           
Susquehanna International Group, LLP  using std::disclaimer;

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