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From: Jody Hagins (jody-boost-011304_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-05-29 08:39:47

On Sat, 29 May 2004 11:48:44 +0200
"Andreas Huber" <ah2003_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> Dear Boosters
> I'm pretty much overwhelmed by the sheer volume of posts. I will try
> to answer every post during the weekend, but I cannot guarantee that I
> will not miss one or the other. If, by Sunday night you still have no
> answer/statement to a post you made before Saturday night then please
> repost your question.

I can understand that! I am a bit overwhelmed simply reading them all
(without even thinking how I would reply). May I suggest that, instead
of answering each post individually, you create a summary post that
addresses each issue. As it stands now, the discussions are so broken
up, it is difficult for anyone to follow each line of thought. Also,
there seems to be a fair bit in common, and a cohesive rely may be
easier to digest for everyone (though another splintering is bound to
occur afterward).

Also, I would imagine anything that garnered such discussion on this
list would deserve to be included in the documentation (maybe part of

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