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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-07-07 08:59:12

Michael Glassford <glassfordm_at_[hidden]> writes:

> The point being that TryLock is a refinement of Lock, and TimedLock is
> a refinement of TryLock? If so, I agree that's better than TryLock and
> TimedLock both refining Lock. There are still the constructor issues
> to deal with in such a lock taxonomy, however. The main one: how do
> you define destructors that are consistent within a lock concept and
> also consistent between concepts. E.g., on the one hand it seems that
> a one-parameter constructor should do the same thing in all lock
> types--so it would have to block; on the other hand, it seems that
> TryLock constructors should not block unless instructed to do
> otherwise.

One possible answer is that construction protocol simply isn't part
of the concept taxonomy.

Another possible answer might lie in considering syntax alternatives
for lock construction. For example, a named parameter interface:

  Lock l(block = m);

  TryLock l(block = m);
  TryLock l(proceed = m);

  TimedLock l(wait = m, t);

That particular expression of the idea is probably too cute, but I'm
just trying to expand the boundaries of thought.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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