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From: Victor A. Wagner Jr. (vawjr_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-10-29 13:05:44

At Friday 2004-10-29 08:20, you wrote:
>On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 00:20:29 -0700, Victor A. Wagner Jr. wrote
> > At Thursday 2004-10-28 23:42, Victor A. Wagner Jr. wrote:
> > >I got tired of getting the exceptions so I fixed time_formatters.hpp
> which
> > >had a logic error in it.
>I don't see a change in CVS -- please send it to me and I will verify, test,
>and check in. I'm suprised you found something, b/c we've gone looking for
>the cause of this before and come up empty...
> > >It's possible that the test should now be run on all platforms again.
> > >Since I don't know how to alter which tests actually run on which
> > >platforms I cannot fix that.
> >
> > so I run the regression script I have.... it doesn't rebuild the
> > vc8.0 teststreams.exe what's up?
> >
> > _surely_ I don't have to figure out what tests are affected by an
> > include file change
>I don't think that the bjam dependency finding is 100% perfect. Just delete
>the executable -- that will force the rebuild.

That would seem to be a very serious problem since the regression script
doesn't automatically delete all the .exe also it doesn't compile to the
same .exe I get when I go directly to the test directory and compile with
VS.net2005 beta (Whidbey)

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Victor A. Wagner Jr.
The five most dangerous words in the English language:
               "There oughta be a law"

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