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From: Rob Stewart (stewart_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-12-02 12:15:00

From: Rene Rivera <grafik.list_at_[hidden]>
> Rob Stewart wrote:
> > From: "David B. Held" <dheld_at_[hidden]>
> >>Rob Stewart wrote:
> >>
> >>>-- As viewed with my browsers, which work quite nicely at other
> >>> web sites, there is way too much white, and not enough
> >>> black/blue from the text. IOW, the contrast is really low
> >>> because the lines of the letters are so thin. This is more
> >>> pronounced with the blue of the links than with the black, but
> >>> both are a problem.
> >>
> >>I think dense text is much harder to read. When space is at a
> >>premium, then I think dense text is acceptable. But given the choice
> >>between a crowded page and a more open one, I prefer the latter.
> >>Dense text tends to make it more difficult to find things, I think.
> >
> > At present, there's no danger of that problem. Note, I'm not
> > talking about the whitespace between paragraphs or sections of
> > the page, but about how little black or blue there is where there
> > is text. It is difficult for me to read the text because the
> > letters are washed out by the white background.
> I think we'd need to see a screen capture of what you see. I think you
> are the only one so far to complain about the text not being dense
> enough. Everyone else has complained about the opposite. Hence why I
> went through the task of figuring out how to use the IE "smaller" font
> portably.

I tried to get a good screen capture, but the Solaris tool I know
about (snapshot) doesn't capture to GIF or PNG, so I had to
convert the output (using imagetool). The result did not reflect
what I see on the screen.

After further investigation, I found that switching my default
san-serif font from adobe-helvetica-iso8859-1 to, for example,
itc-avantgarde-iso8859-1 helped greatly.

I had a similar, but less pronounced problem, when viewing the
page on my XP box, but it turns out that it was more an artifact
of viewing my XP desktop via rdesktop on my Solaris machine.
When viewed directly on my XP desktop, the text seemed

Rob Stewart                           stewart_at_[hidden]
Software Engineer           
Susquehanna International Group, LLP  using std::disclaimer;

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