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From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-12-02 13:12:02

"Joaquín Mª López Muñoz" <joaquin_at_[hidden]> wrote in message

>cont.begin(): 1
>pos points to: 1
>cont.begin(): 1
>pos points to: 1243388

>illustrating that the pointer is not correctly deserialized.

OK, I see it now.

I tweaked your example a little but it still fails.

In my view - it should work. The fact that it doesn't reflects an
implementation issue with the serialization library with respect to its
implemenatation for standard containers.

Your original observation that the container de-serialization doesn't do
inplace construction is the source of the difficulty. My interest would be
to see this re-considered to see if its possible to use in-place
construction - similar to the way its done for most other pointer like
objects. Somehow it doesn't seem that this should be all that hard.
However, I did consider it but didn't do it that way - I forget why. I
suspect that the current system turned out to tbe easiest and I didn't seen
anything wrong with it - until now. I'll look into this.

Robert Ramey

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