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From: Caleb Epstein (caleb.epstein_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-12-06 08:19:41

On Mon, 6 Dec 2004 06:02:15 -0700, Jeff Garland
<jeff_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> Since I didn't write the Wiki software, no. But that's an interesting idea,
> although I'm going to guess that it runs counter to the usual 'Wiki culture'....

A very simple and effective spam-combat tool I have seen employed by
beleagured wikis is to password-protect the Edit pages, and to make
the password simple and topic-relevant (e.g. "boost") but not in a
machine-readable way.

See for example the Smarty wiki at:

Another suggestion somenoe made was to only allow registered users to
edit pages.

I think either of these is a fine, marginally intrusive change
(assuming it can be done easily with the Wiki software) that would not
stand in the way of legitimate users adding content and will go a long
way to stop the spam.

Caleb Epstein
caleb dot epstein at gmail dot com

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