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From: Matt Hurd (matt.hurd_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-12-09 13:03:04

> On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 09:32:05AM -0800, Dayton wrote:
> FYI I've modified boost::shared_ptr for inclusion in GCC's standard
> library and have replaced the mutexes with atomic ops along those lines.
> (I've finished the changes but am trying to find time to write extensive
> tests for the libstdc++ testsuite before I add the code to GCC's CVS
> repository. I was warned on this list that the tests take the most work :)

I saw another interesting note about GCC and type traits the other
day. The only probably is that it is a one way door to the GPL world
from boost due to the GPL licence restrictions, even looking at the
GCC implementation and implementing any improvements is questionable



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