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From: Alan Gutierrez (alan-boost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-12-22 05:29:03

* Reece Dunn <msclrhd_at_[hidden]> [2004-12-22 05:22]:
> Hi All,
> In the "thoughts on a GUI component library" thread there have been
> various discussions about the layout of a rectangle and come relating to
> CSS. Note that point and size are stable.
> The CSS3 Values and Units module
> ( defines various
> units (e.g. inches, picas and em). This is a good basis for a GUI
> library metric type. The type should store the values as a floating
> point to allow things like 2.71cm and also to support platforms that
> store coordinates as floating points (e.g. Cocoa).
> The CSS3 relative values (em and ex) are dependant on the inherited
> font-size property, so it is difficult to use these units as there is no
> associated font-size property. Another issue relating to this is how to
> resolve metric values between units that are not directly convertable. I
> have suggested using a device::resolve method that takes metric, point,
> size and rect types, but it may not always be possible to get access to
> a device.

    Maybe, in this sense, a font is a "device" that can resolve?

Alan Gutierrez - alan_at_[hidden]

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