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From: Alan Gutierrez (alan-boost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-12-28 06:56:07

* John Torjo <john.lists_at_[hidden]> [2004-12-28 06:09]:

> > An FSM is the right way to look at a Canvas application, but if
> > all I need is a Form submission, I don't want to turn on that
> > part of my brain.

> Note that this is why win32gui has the save_dlg class:


> In other words, something like this should be developed on top of the
> GUI lib.

    Or parallel to the GUI lib. Because there may be no G.

    Your implementation could be bound to ncurses or a telephony
    system. Something I'm sure your aware of, but I thought I'd make
    the point that this is a good place for generics.

Alan Gutierrez - alan_at_[hidden]

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