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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-12-29 14:42:22

Jonathan Turkanis wrote:
> David Abrahams wrote:
>>> Jonathan Turkanis wrote:
>>>> I would greatly prefer to use the namespace "boost::io" because:
>>>> (i) it is much shorter than "boost::iostreams"; while it is
>>>> possible to use an alias to shorten it, I'd hate to make users do
>>>> this when there is a perfectly suitable short name available.
>>> (i) is particularly important, since the documentation will contain
>>> a lot of tutorial material in which the namespace qualification
>>> can't be omitted, e.g.,
>>> template<typename Sink>
>>> void put(Sink& dest, int c)
>>> {
>>> if (c == '\n')
>>> col_no_ = 0;
>>> else {
>>> if (col_no_ >= line_length_)
>>> this->put(dest, '\n');
>>> ++col_no_;
>>> }
>>> boost::io::put(dest, c);
>>> }
>> Pshaw.
> Huzzah!
>> After a few pages C++ Template Metaprogramming has an example
>> that begins with:
>> namespace mpl = boost::mpl; // namespace alias
>> which it then follows with a note that says
>> "Many examples in this book will use ``mpl::`` to indicate
>> ``boost::mpl::``, but will omit the alias that makes it legal
>> C++."
> I know how I would explain the convention; I'm just afraid people won't notice
> it, and will copy and paste from the examples and find they don't work. It's a
> bit easier in a printed book, in which there's some expectation that the
> material will be read from the beginning, than in a heavily hyperlinked web
> document, where reader are known to skip immediately to somewhere in the middle.

Then use some automated processing to ensure that every one of your
examples begins with the single line:

  namespace io = boost::iostreams;

And then your examples will become much more readable: io::foo instead
of boost::io::foo.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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