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From: Dave Handley (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-01-23 05:53:21

Jason Hise wrote:

> I have no familiarity with these patterns, so my range of suggestions is
> fairly limited. However, I did notice one way that you might be able to
> make the composite more generic. Your composite library currently
> forces the client to set up the hierarchy with raw pointers. Would it
> be reasonable to ask that it allow smart pointers as well? It would
> seem that this would be as easy as making the template parameter the
> pointer type instead of the object type, as the plain object type
> doesn't (appear to) be used anywhere.

Thanks for the suggestion - I've actually been working on this, along with
other memory management policies. The smart pointer policy is relatively
although not quite as easy as making the template parameter a pointer type
I use new, delete and clone in the framework. Nevertheless, I should be
able to
get that policy up and running pretty quickly. I was also trying to create
a further
policy that used a single type and stored it by value rather than by pointer
normal STL containers) - unfortunately, the policy for that is proving much
than I originally thought. I'l probably abandon my second idea and just
policies for smart_ptr and normal pointer versions of the code.

> (btw, have you tried out my singleton longevity lifetime policy yet? ;) )

I've browsed the code, but unfortuantely, I've spent a week away on business
haven't had a time to use it in anger yet, or study the code in any detail.
My first
impression is that you have done a good job - but I'll get back later in the
with a more detailed review.

Dave Handley

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