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From: Aleksey Gurtovoy (agurtovoy_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-05-19 23:31:09

David Abrahams writes:
> Aleksey Gurtovoy <agurtovoy_at_[hidden]> writes:
>> The problem here is that the result of 'boost::bind( &add_two, _1 )'
>> takes its argument by reference, while transform_iterator's
>> 'dereference' implementation is:
>> typename super_t::reference dereference() const
>> { return m_f(*this->base()); }
>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> In our case, '*this->base()' produces a temporary 'int' which cannot
>> be directly passed to 'm_f'.
>> Effectively, the issue prevents you from layering any iterator
>> adaptors built with 'boost::bind' on top of 'transform_iterator',
> Only if the underlying iterator is an input iterator whose
> dereference returns by value, right?

Well, only if you talk in old iterator categories ;).

>> which, needless to say, is BAD.
> Regrettable, I agree.
>> My sugesstion would be to replace the above with
>> typename super_t::reference dereference() const
>> {
>> typename iterator_reference<Iterator>::type x( *this->base() );
>> return m_f( x );
>> }
> If it passes all tests I have no objections.

OK, thanks!

Aleksey Gurtovoy
MetaCommunications Engineering

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