[Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #2573: run_test=foo does not filter for foo in non-MSVC and non-BORLAND compilers

Subject: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #2573: run_test=foo does not filter for foo in non-MSVC and non-BORLAND compilers
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-12-07 14:23:48

#2573: run_test=foo does not filter for foo in non-MSVC and non-BORLAND compilers
 Reporter: Eric Prud'hommeaux <eric+boost_at_[hidden]> | Owner:
     Type: Patches | Status: new
Milestone: Boost 1.38.0 | Component: None
  Version: Boost 1.36.0 | Severity: Problem
 Keywords: boost::test test filter |
 /runtime-config/run-by-name.html Running specific test units selected by
 their name] didn't work on my linux box running g++ 4.3.2 . (I'm using
 1_36_0, but
 this problem appears to remain in the TRUNK].)

 The protective code around the string tokenizer requires BOOST_WORKAROUND(
 BOOST_MSVC, >= 1300) , which I expect is unset in non-MSVC environments. I
 switched to assuming that it works in other envs and it worked for me.

Ticket URL: <https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2573>
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