Subject: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #3339: intrusive containers vs. Sun CC
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-08-13 13:02:54
#3339: intrusive containers vs. Sun CC
Reporter: Christopher Hite <c.hite@â¦> | Owner: igaztanaga
Type: Bugs | Status: new
Milestone: Boost 1.40.0 | Component: intrusive
Version: Boost 1.39.0 | Severity: Problem
Keywords: |
Intrusive doesn't not work at all with SunCC. The regression tests were
turned off.
I'm not sure if it fixes everything, but I was able debug some of the
meta-programming and find a discrepancy between gcc and Sun CC which
causes normal usage to break.
template <class T>
struct internal_base_hook_bool
template<bool Add>
struct two_or_three {one _[2 + Add];};
template <class U> static one test(...);
template <class U> static
test (detail::bool_<U::boost_intrusive_tags::is_base_hook>* = 0);
static const std::size_t value = sizeof(test<T>(0));
On gcc it does what it's suppose to; value = [[BR]]
1 - iff T has no boost_intrusive_tags::is_base_hook [[BR]]
2 - iff T::boost_intrusive_tags::is_base_hook=false [[BR]]
3 - iff T::boost_intrusive_tags::is_base_hook=true [[BR]]
On Sun CC it's always 1. So this is a usage of SFINAE which doesn't seem
to work on SunCC, but other examples do work just fine:
class_has_move_assign here:[[BR]]
Note how they use a second test(int) function. This works fine on Sun CC!
So I would suggest changing this in the few places in intrusive where
SFINAE is used. Perhaps intrusive will then work on the latest Sun CC
(which supposedly supports (mostly) MPL). Do you have a Sun environment
to run the regression tests?
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