Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #6126: Signed integer members of Boost.Fusion adapted ADTs are not output correctly with Boost.Spirit.Karma rules

Subject: Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #6126: Signed integer members of Boost.Fusion adapted ADTs are not output correctly with Boost.Spirit.Karma rules
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-29 10:36:08

#6126: Signed integer members of Boost.Fusion adapted ADTs are not output
correctly with Boost.Spirit.Karma rules
  Reporter: t0rt1e@… | Owner: hkaiser
      Type: Bugs | Status: new
 Milestone: To Be Determined | Component: spirit
   Version: Boost 1.48.0 | Severity: Problem
Resolution: | Keywords: Boost.Spirit.Karma, Boost.Fusion, BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_CLASS, BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_ADT, short, int, long

Comment (by vexocide@…):

 I've managed to reproduce the problem, and it's quite interesting to
 say the least:
 ~ Jeroen$ g++ --version
 i686-apple-darwin10-g++-4.2.1 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)

 ~ Jeroen$ g++ test_signed_integer_output_with_karma_minimal.cpp -o
 test -I library/boost-trunk/
 ~ Jeroen$ ./test
 rational_int_adt(2, -6) = -771751935/3 (expected: -1/3)
 rational_int_adt(-2, 4) = -771751935/2 (expected: -1/2)

 ~ Jeroen$ g++ test_signed_integer_output_with_karma_minimal.cpp -o
 test -O2 -I library/boost-trunk/
 ~ Jeroen$ ./test
 rational_int_adt(2, -6) = -1/3 (expected: -1/3)
 rational_int_adt(-2, 4) = -1/2 (expected: -1/2)
 rational_int_struct(2, -6) = 2/-6 (expected: 2/-6)

 ~ Jeroen$ g++-mp-4.4 --version
 g++-mp-4.4 (GCC) 4.4.6

 ~ Jeroen$ g++-mp-4.4 test_signed_integer_output_with_karma_minimal.cpp
 -o test -I Documents/Code/library/boost-trunk/
 ~ Jeroen$ ./test
 rational_int_adt(2, -6) = -1/1 (expected: -1/3)
 rational_int_adt(-2, 4) = -1/1 (expected: -1/2)
 rational_int_struct(2, -6) = 2/-6 (expected: 2/-6)

 ~ Jeroen$ g++-mp-4.4 test_signed_integer_output_with_karma_minimal.cpp
 -o test -O2 -I Documents/Code/library/boost-trunk/
 ~ Jeroen$ ./test
 rational_int_adt(2, -6) = -1/3 (expected: -1/3)
 rational_int_adt(-2, 4) = -1/2 (expected: -1/2)
 rational_int_struct(2, -6) = 2/-6 (expected: 2/-6)

 ~ Jeroen$ g++-mp-4.6 --version
 g++-mp-4.6 (GCC) 4.6.2

 ~ Jeroen$ g++-mp-4.6 test_signed_integer_output_with_karma_minimal.cpp
 -o test -I library/boost-trunk/
 ~ Jeroen$ ./test
 rational_int_adt(2, -6) = -771751935/3 (expected: -1/3)
 rational_int_adt(-2, 4) = -771751935/2 (expected: -1/2)
 rational_int_struct(2, -6) = 2/-6 (expected: 2/-6)

 ~ Jeroen$ g++-mp-4.6 test_signed_integer_output_with_karma_minimal.cpp
 -o test -O2 -I library/boost-trunk/
 ~ Jeroen$ ./test
 rational_int_adt(2, -6) = 0/0 (expected: -1/3)
 rational_int_adt(-2, 4) = 0/0 (expected: -1/2)
 rational_int_struct(2, -6) = 2/-6 (expected: 2/-6)
 Yes, that's four different outputs depending on the compiler version
 and optimization flags used... Hartmut has tried this using MSVC (not
 sure which version) and that worked just fine. I've currently broken
 my clang++ installation thus I can't try that, unfortunately.

 I believe that I've found the culprit (a specific temporary) and could
 provide a patch, but that'll come tomorrow (I'll need to thoroughly
 test it, for obvious reasons). In the mean time someone should ask the
 GCC guys what's going on.

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