Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #7045: Thread library does not automatically compile date_time

Subject: Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #7045: Thread library does not automatically compile date_time
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-09-09 18:37:31

#7045: Thread library does not automatically compile date_time
  Reporter: anonymous | Owner: viboes
      Type: Bugs | Status: reopened
 Milestone: Boost 1.52.0 | Component: thread
   Version: Boost 1.50.0 | Severity: Problem
Resolution: | Keywords:

Comment (by viboes):

 I have added [80459] in section

 [section:build Using and building the library]

 the following that concerns the DateTime issue.

 Boost.Thread depends on some non header-only libraries.

 * Boost.System: This dependency is mandatory and you will need to link
 with the library.

 * Boost.Chrono: This dependency is optional (see below how to configure)
 and you will need to link with the library if you use some of the time
 related interfaces.

 * Boost.DateTime: This dependency is mandatory, but even if Boost.DateTime
 is a non header-only library Boost.Thread uses only parts that are header-
 only, so in principle you should not need to link with the library.

 It seems that there are some IDE (as e.g. Visual Studio) that deduce the
 libraries that a program needs to link to inspecting the sources. Such IDE
 could force to link to Boost.DateTime and/or Boost.Chrono.

 As the single mandatory dependency is to Boost.System, the following

   bjam toolset=msvc-11.0 --build-type=complete --with-thread

 will install only boost_thread and boost_system.

 Users of such IDE should force the Boost.Chrono and Boost.DateTime build

   bjam toolset=msvc-11.0 --build-type=complete --with-thread --with-chrono


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