Subject: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #7858: boost should not blindly assume that MinGW installation is in c:\ directory
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-01-05 10:09:20
#7858: boost should not blindly assume that MinGW installation is in c:\ directory
Reporter: anonymous | Type: Bugs
Status: new | Milestone: To Be Determined
Component: Building Boost | Version: Boost 1.52.0
Severity: Problem | Keywords:
instead it should search the directory in which main boost dir lies and
then if not found should withdraw to defauld directory
so in file : boost\tools\build\v2\engine\build.bat
if EXIST "C:\MinGW\bin\gcc.exe" (
goto :eof)
call :Clear_Error
should instead be:
if EXIST "..\MinGW\bin\gcc.exe" (
goto :eof)
call :Clear_Error
to catch that mingw installation which lies along with boost in the same
parent directory. This is needed in case both of them are run from
removable drive or there are different pairs of boost and mingw for
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