Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #4581: Filesystem V3 should not require wstring support

Subject: Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #4581: Filesystem V3 should not require wstring support
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-01-14 14:10:13

#4581: Filesystem V3 should not require wstring support
  Reporter: Steve Soule <sts11dbxr@…> | Owner: bemandawes
      Type: Bugs | Status: closed
 Milestone: To Be Determined | Component: filesystem
   Version: Boost 1.44.0 | Severity: Problem
Resolution: wontfix | Keywords:

Comment (by suky0001@…):

 @Beman: Yes, you can run the regular boost tests on Android, but this is
 not as trivial as running them on the host machine. Procedure:
  - As for normal tests, go to {{{libs/SOMELIB/test}}} and run b2. The
 command line for b2 may have options specific to Android.
  - Test will compile, but will obviously fail running since you're on the
 host machine.
  - Copy {{{bin.v2/libs/SOMELIB/test}}} directory on your device or
 emulator (using ADB), and manually run them.
    - Depending on your API (Android version), you may use a specific
 directory (say {{{/data/local/tmp}}}), because you may not have run
 permissions elsewhere. The other solution is to root your device.
    - Also copy the boost libs the tests depends on.
  - Run a terminal or an "adb shell"
  - Write "{{{export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=directory-you-put-boost-libs-in}}}"
 (ex: "{{{export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp}}}")
  - Run each test manually.

 Actually some tests fail on Android with boost 1.52:
  - operations_test / operations_test_static
  - operations_unit_test (no errors, but outputs some wchar garbage)
  - path_unit_test / path_unit_test_static

 Attached to the ticket is
 [attachment:Filesystem_1_52_Android_unit_tests.txt the full output], where
 unreadable characters have been replaced by "{{{*** n UNREADABLE CHARS

 About the issue, I guess it would be possible to add dummy functions and
 types, so that wchar_t==char. That way, wchar would work as expected.
 Don't you think?

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