Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #7262: Boost.Context fails to build using MinGW

Subject: Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #7262: Boost.Context fails to build using MinGW
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-02-22 07:57:37

#7262: Boost.Context fails to build using MinGW
  Reporter: anonymous | Owner: olli
      Type: Bugs | Status: closed
 Milestone: To Be Determined | Component: context
   Version: Boost 1.51.0 | Severity: Problem
Resolution: wontfix | Keywords: context mingw

Comment (by olli):

 Replying to [comment:8 anonymous]:
> Can't you at least try to port the MASM to GNU AS?

 no - I will support only one assembler on each platform

> It is rather short-sighted to provide Visual Studio-only solution when a
 lot of people use gcc/GNU AS on windows.

 MASM is an assembler tool - it has nothing to do with Visual Studio. MASM
 is the standard assembler on x86 Windows.

>Look at libcoro if you need to see what is needed for this to work, it
 would see that you can share much of the POSIX GNU AS.

 libcoro is implemented for C - it has never to support C++-exceptions for

>I think code in Boost that provides a Win MASM but not Win GNU AS is
 against software freedom.

 MASM is free available and GNUS AS is used by boost.context on POSIX

 You should ask the MinGW developers to get their software correct (for
 instance linker used by MinGW does not understand the EXPORT keyword in
 the object files generated by MASM).

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