[Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #8492: 7 Window Cleaning Strategies For That Special Sparkle

Subject: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #8492: 7 Window Cleaning Strategies For That Special Sparkle
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-04-24 13:53:47

#8492: 7 Window Cleaning Strategies For That Special Sparkle
 Reporter: diadianrenom1980 | Type: Bugs
   Status: new | Milestone: To Be Determined
Component: None | Version: Boost 1.52.0
 Severity: Problem | Keywords:
 1) Ensure that you dry your windows in a single direction - leftwards or
 rightwards. Mixing the course will keep unpleasant streaks on the glass
 and ensure it is look messy.

 2) Before the window glass is wiped by you,...

 A glowing screen is the desire of everybody. Clear, bright bright windows
 add a new turn to every house. Like furniture, their own cleaning
 methodology is required by windows to help keep them looking neat and new.
 Here are 7 simple ideas to give your windows a splendid glow.

 1) Ensure that you dry your windows in a single way - leftwards or
 rightwards. Combining the course will keep annoying streaks on the glass
 and ensure it is look untidy.

 On the window 2) Before you clean the window glass, remove all dust from
 the windows so that in using a wet cloth, mud wasn't left by you. Dust and
 water may form mud.

 3) If you're cleaning screen sills, rub the whole area with a wet cloth
 sprayed with alcohol so that all the places may clear off for a lovely

 4) Windows are extremely painful and sensitive to dust. Clean water should
 be therefore applyed only by you in washing windows and in cases where you
 use damp fabric, use only clean cloths.

 5) before you clean the window If the glass is oily or smoky, apply some
 vinegar to the water. Grease is removed by vinegar without leaving streaks
 or spots.

 6) When washing windows which are beyond the reach of you hand, use a
 ladder if the height is medium or use an everyday ladder if very high.
 Always make certain that the safety cut is if and on possible, get some
 anyone to contain the foot of the hierarchy for safety reasons.

 7) Sprays are convenient to use than buckets of water. In washing windows
 of considerable heights, try to use sprays in the place of buckets of
 water because they may spill and you will need to do every thing again.
 The sheer weight and pressure can get you tired quickly.

 Getting a screen to shine is an easy task. All you need may be the above
 window cleaning recommendations.

Ticket URL: <https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8492>
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