Subject: Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #9129: gregorian::date_facet incorrect month with unicode
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-09-18 13:06:20
#9129: gregorian::date_facet incorrect month with unicode
Reporter: Roman Vaughan | Owner: az_sw_dude
<nzsmartie@…> | Status: new
Type: Bugs | Component: date_time
Milestone: To Be Determined | Severity: Cosmetic
Version: Boost 1.54.0 | Keywords: gregorian date facet
Resolution: | ostream wostream ostringstream
| wostringstream
Comment (by Roman Vaughan <nzsmartie@…>):
I'm sorry, I've just noticed there is a 'wdate_facet' which i'm supposed
to use for unicode strings. After changing the type, it formats correctly.
I'm sorry for the misleading bug report
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