[Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #9303: packaged_task<R(Argtypes)> does not compile using c++03 and Cmake 2.8.9

Subject: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #9303: packaged_task<R(Argtypes)> does not compile using c++03 and Cmake 2.8.9
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-10-25 18:21:47

#9303: packaged_task<R(Argtypes)> does not compile using c++03 and Cmake 2.8.9
 Reporter: e66a5b10@… | Owner: anthonyw
     Type: Bugs | Status: new
Milestone: To Be Determined | Component: thread
  Version: Boost 1.54.0 | Severity: Problem
 Keywords: packaged_task, bind, asio |
 Setup consists of client(s), a server, and device(s).

 A client interacts with a device by sending requests to the server.
 These requests are examined and routed to the appropriate device.
 Requests are handled asynchronously, and are occasionally queued up via
 boost::asio::io_service::strand for various reasons.

 It appears as if packaged_task has a few different templates to choose


 To ensure that I was using the function correctly, I started simple; using
 the simple example on the boost::futures page as a starting point. From
 there, I created four simple functions:

 int return, no parameters.
 int return, with parameters.
 std::string return, no parameters.
 std::string return, with parameters.
 Test functions

 std::string ans("forty two");

 int int_no_params()
     return 42;

 int int_with_params(int param)
     return param;

 std::string string_no_params()
     return std::string("forty two");

 std::string string_with_params(std::string & param) // Have tried both
 with and without '&'
     return param;



 int function(void)

     //! Compiles and produces correct result.
         boost::packaged_task<int()> example(int_no_params);
         boost::future<int> f = example.get_future();
         boost::thread task(boost::move(example));
         int answer = f.get();
         std::cout << "Answer to life and whatnot, in English: " << answer
 << std::endl;




 std::string function(void)

     //! Compiles and produces correct result.
         boost::packaged_task<std::string()> example(string_no_params);
         boost::future<std::string> f = example.get_future();
         boost::thread task(boost::move(example));
         std::string answer = f.get();
         std::cout << "string_no_params: " << answer << std::endl;




 std::string(std::string& param) No threading

 //! Doesn't compile.
 //! error: variable
 example’ has initializer but incomplete type

     boost::future<std::string> f = example.get_future();
     std::string answer = f.get();
     std::cout << "string_with_params: " << answer << std::endl;




 using boost::threading

 //! Doesn't compile.
 //! error: variable
 example’ has initializer but incomplete type
     boost::future<std::string> f = example.get_future();
     boost::thread task(boost::move(example), ans);
     std::string answer = f.get();
     std::cout << "string_with_params: " << answer << std::endl;



 //Using extended initializers in packaged_task declaration

 //! Doesn't compile in C++03, C++11 only.
 //! error: extended initializer lists only available with -std=c++11 or
 -std=gnu++11 [-Werror]
     boost::packaged_task<std::string(std::string&)> example
     { boost::bind(&string_with_params, ans) };
     boost::future<std::string> f = example.get_future();
     boost::thread task(boost::move(example), ans);
     std::string answer = f.get();
     std::cout << "string_with_params: " << answer << std::endl;



 //Threaded, using shared_ptr

 //The following use typedef
 boost::packaged_task<std::string(std::string&)> task_t;

 //Because packaged tasks can't be copied, binding
 //shared_ptr<T>::operator() to task was a suggested solution found on

 // error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘class
 // error: incomplete type ‘task_t {aka
 used in nested name specifier
 // boost/thread/future.hpp:1320:11: error: declaration of ‘class
     boost::shared_ptr<task_t> example =
 boost::make_shared<task_t>(boost::bind(&string_with_params, ans));
     boost::future<std::string> f = example->get_future();
     boost::thread task(boost::bind(&task_t::operator(), example));
     std::string answer = f.get();
     std::cout << "string_with_params: " << answer << std::endl;



 //Using boost::asio::io_service and boost::bind

 // error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘class
 boost::packaged_task(std::basic_string&)>’ // error: incomplete type
 â€˜task_t {aka boost::packaged_task(std::basic_string&)>}’ used in nested
 name specifier // boost/thread/future.hpp:1320:11: error: declaration of
 â€˜class boost::packaged_task(std::basic_string&)>’

     boost::asio::io_service io_service;
     boost::thread_group threads;
     boost::asio::io_service::work work(io_service);

     for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)

     boost::shared_ptr<task_t> example =
 boost::make_shared<task_t>(boost::bind(&string_with_params, ans));
     boost::future<std::string> f = example->get_future();
     io_service.post(boost::bind(&task_t::operator(), example));
     std::string answer = f.get();
     std::cout << "string_with_params: " << answer << std::endl;


 It seems like future.hpp has a problem that is preventing the proper
 template from being used.

Ticket URL: <https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/9303>
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