Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #6063: resize does not offset rectangles (etc.) correctly when using corner_fill_arc

Subject: Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #6063: resize does not offset rectangles (etc.) correctly when using corner_fill_arc
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-11-06 23:42:51

#6063: resize does not offset rectangles (etc.) correctly when using
  Reporter: dbfaken@… | Owner: asydorchuk
      Type: Bugs | Status: assigned
 Milestone: To Be Determined | Component: polygon
   Version: Boost 1.47.0 | Severity: Problem
Resolution: | Keywords:

Comment (by asydorchuk):

 Adding duplicate ticket #6080:


 I found two bug in polygonset::resize() as follows,

     std::vector<Point> pts;
     Polygon poly;
     PolygonSet polySet, polySetResult;

     pts.push_back(Point( 6300, 0));
     pts.push_back(Point( 0, 0));
     pts.push_back(Point( 0, 4750));
     pts.push_back(Point( 1250, 6000));
     pts.push_back(Point( 1250, 7500));
     pts.push_back(Point( 2850, 7500));
     pts.push_back(Point( 2850, 5950));
     pts.push_back(Point( 5950, 5950));
     pts.push_back(Point( 5950, 5750));
     pts.push_back(Point( 6300, 5400));

     boost::polygon::set_points(poly, pts.begin(), pts.end());

     polySet += poly;
     polySetResult += polySet-1000;

     std::vector<Point> pts2;
     Polygon poly2;
     PolygonSet polySet2, polySetResult2;

     pts2.push_back(Point(2100, 2575));
     pts2.push_back(Point(1700, 2575));
     pts2.push_back(Point(1700, 2365));
     pts2.push_back(Point(1800, 2265));
     pts2.push_back(Point(1835, 2265));
     pts2.push_back(Point(1835, 1945));
     pts2.push_back(Point(1645, 1945));
     pts2.push_back(Point(1645, 2305));
     pts2.push_back(Point(1440, 2305));
     pts2.push_back(Point(1440, 2790));
     pts2.push_back(Point(1145, 2790));
     pts2.push_back(Point(1145, 1805));
     pts2.push_back(Point(2100, 1805));

     boost::polygon::set_points(poly2, pts2.begin(), pts2.end());

     polySet2 += poly2;
     polySetResult2 += polySet2+100;
 For bug one,

 current result : { 1000 4336, 1000 1000, 5300 1000, 5300 4986, 4950 5336,
 4950 4950, 1850 4950, 1850 5186}

 correct result : { 1000 4336, 1000 1000, 5300 1000, 5300 4950, 1850 4950,
 1850 5186}

 For bug two, the result is a polygon with hole. However, I think there
 shall be no hole in the result.

 Please check and thanks for your help.


 Jay Huang

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