Subject: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #10701: boost/integer.hpp fails compilation on a system with 40-bit wide 'long'
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-10-27 13:05:26
#10701: boost/integer.hpp fails compilation on a system with 40-bit wide 'long'
Reporter: Wojciech Migda <…> | Owner: dlwalker
Type: Bugs | Status: new
Milestone: To Be Determined | Component: integer
Version: Boost 1.55.0 | Severity: Problem
Keywords: |
I writing code for the platform where 'long' is 40-bits wide (Texas
Instruments TMS3200C67x, COFF). Whenever boost/integer.hpp is included
there's a clash of definitions for 'long' and 'long long'. Even though
'long' is 40-bit wide and ULONG_MAX=1099511627775U, the sizeof(long)
equals 8. This leads to following errors:
line 103: error #249: class "boost::detail::exact_signed_base_helper<64>"
has already been defined
line 104: error #249: class
"boost::detail::exact_unsigned_base_helper<64>" has already been defined
This, for instance, prevents from including boost/function.hpp
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