Subject: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #11392: boost::program_options accepting switch-options that match the beginning of defined option, but is not full option typed out.
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-06-11 08:48:02
#11392: boost::program_options accepting switch-options that match the beginning of
defined option, but is not full option typed out.
Reporter: eg@⦠| Type: Bugs
Status: new | Milestone: To Be Determined
Component: None | Version: Boost 1.57.0
Severity: Problem | Keywords:
namespace po = boost::program_options;
po::options_description desc ("options");
desc.add_options ()
( "help,h", "print this help message")
( "config,c", po::value<ustring>(), "config file, default:
( "new-config,n", "make new default config, then exit")
( "mailto,m", po::value<ustring>(), "compose mail with mailto url or
( "no-auto-poll", "do not poll automatically");
po::variables_map vm;
bool show_help = false;
try {
po::store ( po::parse_command_line (argc, argv, desc), vm );
} catch (po::unknown_option &ex) {
cout << "unknown option" << endl;
cout << ex.what() << endl;
show_help = true;
./program --asdf
fails, but running:
./program --hel
is parsed as --help.
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