Subject: Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #11798: Implementation of boost::shared_mutex on POSIX is suboptimal
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-11-16 22:22:34
#11798: Implementation of boost::shared_mutex on POSIX is suboptimal
Reporter: alex@… | Owner: viboes
Type: Tasks | Status: assigned
Milestone: To Be | Component: thread
Determined | Severity: Optimization
Version: Boost | Keywords: pthread shared_mutex performance
1.59.0 | concurrency spinlock
Resolution: |
Changes (by viboes):
* owner: anthonyw => viboes
* status: new => assigned
* type: Bugs => Tasks
* severity: Problem => Optimization
any patch that makes the code more efficient is welcome. Boost.Thread is
an old library that doesn't make use of spinlocks.
Ideally, I will prefer a patch that allows to switch to the new optimized
version usedg a compiler flag. The reason is that we have a lot of
platforms and we need to verify the new code before removing completely
the old one.
What do you mean by an initial patch?
Ah, BTW, I've moved this to a task/optimization ticket, as it is not a
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