Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #12194: Copy assignment on moveable and copyable classes uses wrong type

Subject: Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #12194: Copy assignment on moveable and copyable classes uses wrong type
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2016-07-06 08:17:36

#12194: Copy assignment on moveable and copyable classes uses wrong type
  Reporter: a.grund@… | Owner: igaztanaga
      Type: Bugs | Status: reopened
 Milestone: Boost 1.61.0 | Component: move
   Version: Boost 1.59.0 | Severity: Regression
Resolution: | Keywords:

Comment (by a.grund@…):

 This is strange as it returns a 'const rv<...>&' which should be ok and is
 also documented this way.

 If the other libraries can't be fixed, please document this back to 1.59
 as that change was silently introduced (no release note) and changes the
 observed and documented behaviour:

 "const rvalue and lvalues, bind to const ::boost::rv< TYPE >&"

 But now it seems it is like: "const rvalue and lvalues, bind to const
 ::boost::rv< TYPE >& OR const TYPE&" or a mix of both depending on some
 unknown conditions.

 This makes it very hard to use this in non-trivial/templated contexts

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