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Boost-Build :

From: Rene Rivera (grafik666_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-21 15:40:13

[2002-09-20] David Abrahams wrote:

>From: "Rene Rivera" <grafik666_at_[hidden]>
>> [2002-09-20] David Abrahams wrote:
>> >
>> >From: "Victor A. Wagner, Jr." <vawjr_at_[hidden]>
>> >Ah, yes, and here's a new page on the Wiki:
>> >
>> >
>> >Rene, did you ever get a chance to look at this problem?
>> Nope, I've been working on getting the BBV2 relative path features
>> iplemented instead (having some problems with it). As I briefly mentioned
>> before as far as I got was to download the bloated PlatformSDK, at 350
>> (compressed) Meg :-( Need to install it and see what it does to the
>We should really try to handle this before 1.29.0 goes out.

OK. Some support for this is now in. It's on the RC_1_29_0 branch.

As I don't own MSVC I need someone to test compilation using the
PlatformSDK. But as far as I can tell all the commands look correct, correct
includes and libs for both the msvc and msvc-stlport toolsets.

-- grafik - Don't Assume Anything
-- rrivera_at_[hidden] - grafik_at_[hidden]
-- 102708583_at_icq - Grafik666_at_AIM - Grafik_at_[hidden]


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