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Boost-Build :

From: Markus Schöpflin (markus.schoepflin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-20 06:23:21

David Abrahams wrote:

> Sure. We could try it with your changes, but I bet it would break
> Boost.Python. Any chance I can convince you to install Python and
> try building the Boost.Python tests? If they work, I'll be happy
> to accept your patch.

Seems like boost.python is completely broken on AIX anyway... :-(

There are two major issues, AFAICT: mpl and bpl.

Here is an excerpt of the error messages:

"boost-cvs/boost/mpl/aux_/include_preprocessed.hpp", line 27.13:
1540-0836 (S) The #include file "boost/mpl/AUX_PREPROCESSED_HEADER" is
not found.


"boost-cvs/boost/mpl/integral_c.hpp", line 29.32: 1540-0827 (S) The
constant expression on the #if directive contains a syntax error at


line 29.9: 1540-0827 (S) The constant expression on the #if directive
contains a syntax error at "(".

Looks like the preprocessor is a real showstopper at the moment.



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