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Boost-Build :

From: Vladimir Prus (ghost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-25 02:23:07

Rene Rivera wrote:

> >Sure, the stage rule has to relink binaries to put new rpath. I've took
> > the
> shortest
> >route,
> >and made "stage" always relink executables.
> Are you relinking straight to the stage location, or relinking and then
> copying? The ofrmer is the ideal, but the later is what is implemented in
> V1. It was just too complicated/hard to do the ideal in V1.

I'm relinking directly to the stage location.

> >won't have any effect. Now, I just add free properties from stage to
> original properties
> >on the link action. I wonder
> >
> >1. Is this right?
> Seems right to me.


> >2. What does V1 do?
> It tries, don't remember how well it succeeds, to do the same.
> By the way... it will probably be easier to write the stage rule once the
> modifier stuff I posted is in better working order. For eaxmple to stage
> with relink to the stage location is matter of generating the new target
> (with additional properties) and modfy it to build (locate) at the stage
> location.

I'm about to look at that email now.

- Volodya


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