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Boost-Build :

From: klapshin <klapshin_at_[hidden] (klapshin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-28 14:02:33

--- In jamboost_at_[hidden], Vladimir Prus <ghost_at_c...> wrote:
> Regarding the other issue, linking a library into a library, I'll
> have to do some more research. In particular:
> 1. Is it possible to link two static libraries together with GNU ar

Can't tell from a top of my head, but my understanding that you can
not do that. You should be able to extract object files from two
libraries and assemble a new one, but I guess it is not what you are

> 2. Is there are way to link shared library into static one (seems
> impossible to me).

I would be surprised if you can do this.

AFAIK, static library should not be linked with anything, all the
symbol resolution happens when you link executable or dll.

The problem here is that dll, from linker point of view, much closer
to exe then to static library. However boost.builds has a generic
rule lib which is supposed to handle both.

- Kirill


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