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Boost-Build :

From: Ali Azarbayejani (ali_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-13 14:38:04

Vladimir Prus wrote:
> Hi Ali,
> > May I suggest that the builtin extensions contain the following?
> >
> > type.register CPP : c++ cpp cxx cc C ;
> >
> > For better or worse, these are all somewhat widespread conventions.
> >
> > It would still be good, btw, to make "type.register-suffixes" non-local
> > so that it can be used to customize.
> >
> > It might also be worth considering also "type.unregister-suffixes" or to
> > allow "type.register" to force overriding the existing registered
> > suffixes (currently it generates an error).
> I agree to all of this. The problem is that I'm somewhat busy with other
> Boost.Build. Another problem is that if we go this route, it's better to
> register new type "C" with suffix "c" and make sure that C and C++ compiles
> are indeed different. Also, C suffix -> CPP type association should be
> established only in Unixes. Of course, it's better to write automated test
> for all this.
> If you could do something of this and send a patch against CVS state that
> would be excellent. Otherwise... it needs to wait a little.
> - Volodya

I would be happy to do this in a bit...I am currently still very vague
on some of the internals and am learning as I go. For now, I have
simply added the suffixes to the above line in builtin.jam (in my local
checkout) and that works for now.

My plan is to get Boost.Build working to some degree with an entire
complex project (containing dozens of libraries and packages with many
conditionals based on OS and Compiler and Version) so that it simulates
my own build system and I can compare them. At that point, I am willing
to put in some time to contribute to Boost.Build development based on
issues I encounter along the way. It will be a good stress test for fact, it has already exposed a couple bugs, which you
fixed this week.

I have run into more bugs btw, including fundamental design issues, but
I will try to work around them if I can so that I can get to my
milestone of comparison. I am developing a laundry list of issues as I
go. I will try to avoid bringing them up for now unless they are



Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at