Boost-Build : |
From: Vladimir Prus (ghost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-17 01:52:05
Douglas Gregor wrote:
> That's fine when generating, say, boost.html from src/boost.xml. But if I
> add:
> generators.register-standard boostbook.xslt : XML XSLT : * ;
> and request the same, I get the errors listed at the end of this message.
> It looks like it isn't even finding the XML->DOCBOOK->HTML path.
> This isn't urgent (I don't really _need_ the XML XSLT --> * generator now).
I'm not sure this is designed as it should, but it works as designed ;-)
When choosing "viable" generators, we start with generic generators (with "*"
as target type, then requested type, and then each base type). When a
generator is found for a type, we don't consider other types. In this
example, a generator for "*" is found, and is considered the only viable one.
It is run, but produces nothing. Oops -- failure.
The "*" as a target type was invented for very special purposes. For example,
if there's <file> property, we need to run 'prebuilt-file-generator', no
matter what source and targets types are. That generators has "*" as target
type and <file> as required feature. Using "*" for ordinary generators was
never considered, so it does not work.
- Volodya
Boost-Build list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk