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Boost-Build :

From: Vladimir Prus (ghost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-17 02:07:16

Hi Ali,
> In gcc.jam, this is the compile action
> actions compile
> {
> $(NAME:E=g++) -Wall -ftemplate-depth-100 $(OPTIONS) -D$(DEFINES)
> -I$(INCLUDES) -c -o $(<) $(>)
> }
> A project I am building requires having no "-Wall" (too many spurious
> warnings) and -ftemplate-depth-30.
> Is there a principled way of dealing with this (other than modifying
> gcc.jam)?

Oh, for Boost "-Wall" makes most sense, and I strongly believe all warning
should be enabled, so it was hardcoded. Seems like broader real world is not
that simple. One obvious solution is to have feature "loose-warnings" or
something. When set to true, it will suppress "-Wall".

I think the name of feature should clearly indicate that something
questionable is beeing done. "-Wall" is better for most projects, so let's
devise a name that won't be used lightly.

Does that look ok?

Concerning "-ftemplate-depth" --- why do you need "30"? What problems "100"
cause. Another feature will work, but I'm interested in some rationale.

- Volodya

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