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Boost-Build :

From: Vladimir Prus (ghost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-17 03:02:47

Hi Jürgen,
> > And try again. If this works, I'll commit the change when my
> > connection to boost CVS is back (it's down at the moment)
> Yes, it works. V2 now loads the Jamfiles and starts compiling.

OK, the fix is comitted.

> But I've encountered another problem.
> V2 does not adjust the include paths correctly (full output attached).
> For example, I get the following command-line:
> cl /Zm800 -nologo /Z7 /Od /Ob0 /GR /MD
> -I"/e:/Libraries/libx\incl" -I"/e:/libraries\boost"

I believe this should be now fixed. Please try again.

> And why does V2 try to include the test-framework ? (This also happens
> on linux ?)

That's dues to contrived reasons --- to support dependencies on
generated headers. I'm not happy with those extra includes, and
will do something about it. There are other problems with generated
headers, and one day I'll adress them all.

- Volodya


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